Renee, thanks for tolerating with my nonsense for the past 3 years.
I really appreciate what you've been doing for us.
I'll really miss the times when we have sectionals haha.
The sectionals where we will always laugh together, and have fun.
And still get SOME things done, which is quite amazing. :)
I'll also miss the times when we go out to eat, even though its not a lot of times, but still...
And yes, I'll miss pulling your hair, hahaha.
Do come back yah? hahaha...
I'll miss you.
You've been a wonderful senior, and a great friend.
Gillian, thanks for always being there when I needed advice.
You're always there to help me even though you're blonde. hahahas.
In fact, I'll miss you, cause of your bimbo-ness and everything...
I'll miss the times when we eat together and tell lame jokes haha.
Which amazingly gets all of us laughing.
I'll never forget the hormone chickens, and the hardening of fats.
I'll miss sitting in your car haha.
Do come back and visit us often kay? :)
I'll miss you.
You're of the best friends that I ever had.
Jodie, thanks for putting up with my don't wants and " LOL " all the time.
I know it can be irritating sometimes hahahas.
I'll miss the times when you start " trying to hit people with your hair " .
It makes you look funny, which makes me laugh! HAHAHA.
Oops, :p
But yah, I'll also miss the times when we do stuff together haha.
Thanks for the advices on what to do in the past, really.
They were much appriciated haha.
And I guess you can finally relax now huhs? haha...
Do come back often. :)
I'll miss you.
You've been a great friend, really great friend.
Rachael! Thanks for being there when we needed you. hahaha.
Sorry for always not playing " LOUD " .
Hope it was loud enough for you, heehs.
I will also miss the pig face you always do,
even though I don't know you do for what hahaha.
I'll also miss the times when you always go " mingxuan, mingxuan ~~ "
hahaha, come back often kay?
Jolene misses you a lot.
I'll miss you too.
You've been a great senior, :D
Celestine, hellos! Next time go Kboxing again ah?
Hahahaha, I know how to sing more then just tong hua alr okay!
And I'll miss your " zi high " haha.
Everytime will start singing random songs! lol.
And you've been a great Drum Major, hahaha.
Hope your relationship with that guy on the beach blossoms and bear fruit kay? ( LOL!! )
Do come back often hahaha.
I'll miss you.
You've been a great senior and DM. :)